Hubbard Jordan – Creative Director, Marketing Strategist – MS International Marketing, BFA Graphic Design
How can I help you?
Small business is the life-blood of the U.S. economy. You put countless hours, blood, sweat and tears into establishing products and services that customers want. Over the years, you have made changes to address consumer demand – and hopefully turn your business into a profitable company. One observation you have made is that running a business takes a lot of work. Marketing and selling is part of every day. It is not what you started out to do – but it has evolved into a necessity to bring in new business and to keep loyal customers coming back.
Successful marketing is all about the customer.
Identifying, targeting, reaching and engaging customers is one of the greatest challenges to small business growth and profit. Would you like to return to the business you love and enjoy? Is it time for you to turn over marketing and lead generation to a professional. If you are the one actively pursuing new business, you are working too hard on the wrong thing.
I can work independently – or – with your team
Over the last 15 years I have been developing strategic marketing plans for the computing, communications and networking industry. I have led concept development teams and provide thought leadership regarding web analytics, social media, SEO, SEM, as well as various methods of measuring results for business customers. I have worked as a digital art director/strategist for a Fortune 500 company headquartered in Scottsdale, AZ and collaborated with teams located in Spokane, Florida, Canada and the UK. I work hard to understand the needs of my customers and develop custom, creative solutions to meet their objectives.
Experienced in Business, Design, Marketing and IT
I had my own graphic design business for about ten years and have worked for international companies in various creative positions. I develop creative concepts and coordinate production for both print and digital media: graphic design, web design, branding, identity, advertising, events, trade shows, videos, and new product launches.
- Concept Development
- Brand Management
- Identity
- Graphic Design
- Web Design
- Behavioral Analysis
- Market Analysis
- Product Analysis
- Marketing Strategy
Check out the link below if you would like to see some of my advertising, print, or web work. I have additional examples on Pinterest.
I would be happy to discuss with you the merits of social media, how to launch your products in foreign markets, increasing brand reach, strategies for international expansion, competitive analysis or how to interpret your web analytics to better understand customer behavior. You can reach me at hjordan@hubbardjordancreative.com
Together, we can devise an innovative approach to reach your customers where they are, win leads, and ensure measurable returns on your marketing investment. It makes good business sense!