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What is the significance of social media?

Social media is undoubtedly one of the most disruptive technologies to challenge traditional advertising and marketing since the invention of television. It is nurtured daily by teenagers and young adults from Boston to Hong Kong, from Los Angeles to London, and social networks continue to expand at an astounding rate. But, is social media a valid advertising format for all forms of commerce – B2C, B2B, B2G, and G2G?

It is not difficult to understand why businesses want to reach and engage with consumers from small local businesses to large international brands like Coke, McDonald’s or Taco Bell. Social media addresses the consumer where the consumer spends their free time. At one point it was in front of the radio, then at the movie theaters, on television, at the computer, and now it is moving to smart mobile devices. It is interesting to point out that each of these mediums still can support one another and continue to play and important role in a multi-channel marketing approach. The others are not dead. But the future has been written. It is all laid out. If you want to reach the consumer, you will need a Social, Mobile (SoMo) strategy. As more and more consumers move from in front of their tv sets and desktop computers – the one device they carry everywhere – is mobile!

Next week I’ll discuss the reasons why Social Media cannot be ignored.


Posted in Advertising, Social Networks.

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